Monday, March 25, 2013

Hidden gems ... check them out

Whilst I am busying myself returning from Spain, via France (and maybe a couple of other destinations en-route) I thought I would share with you the content of an email that I received earlier today.

If you are planning your travels in the coming months I urge you to check out this link which collates the entries to a travel writing competition entitled 'Hidden Gems'.

I have often shared my visits to the Lake District in the UK via my travel blogs. The entries to the competition show that others also feel this is an area of the world with some hidden gems. Then there are lots of other places that feature...

Do check out the Colombia entry, and if you want to read the full unedited version of the experience at this 'Hidden Gem' then check out my original entries starting here.

I'd love to know what you think and, if you have been there yourself did you have a similar experience?

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