Friday, December 28, 2012

"Strength in Unity"

Not exactly sure who this guy is.

His mates say his name is Jimmy. But there seemed to be someuncertainty.

They reckon he is about 20. Again, not sure.

They say he remembers to bring his guitar to the crag but forgets his harness and shoes. It all sounds pretty vague.

Style:Jimmyscreams socialistchic and solidarity inlast seasons "Enterprise Bargain Agreement" T-Shirt in black with yellow ".Your Pay - Your Call" print by the always hip Aussie label, Australian Workers Union.

Did you get a good look at me Jimmy? Spooky huh?

The movethat started it all.Nine routes fan out from thisbeginning.

Jimmy put down the guitar long enough to switch on and send Spoonman.

Then back to guitar for songs of workers struggles and sendage celebrations.

It never hurts to have a stab at something hard at the end of the day.

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