Saturday, April 7, 2012

Signs of spring

Jacob's Ladder Foliage (Polemonium reptans)

Virginia Bluebells Foliage (Mertensia virginica). Still weeks from blooming.

A little trillium coming up amid the cowcumber leaves.

Blue violet (Viola papilionacea) - the first flower we saw this spring. Some people consider this a weed!

Toothwort (Cardamine sp.) - the buds look purple, but the flower will be white.

Another toothwort with different shaped leaves. There are about 50 jillion types of toothwort I think. "Wort" is an old English word for "plant".

Spring Beauty (Claytonia virginica) is small and can be easy to miss. Sometimes the flowers are more pink.

Hepatica - the foliage is not the light green blades, but the half-eaten brown leaf on the lower left. The flower blooms next to last year's leaves, then grows new leaves after the flower is gone. One of the common names is liverleaf. This is the sharp-lobed variety; there is also a round-lobed one. Sometimes the flowers are blue/purple, but I've only seen white ones in Alabama.

Jasmine stalks and kills the wild mustard.

I didn't get a photo of the least welcome sign of spring - some very annoying mosquitos.

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