Monday, September 12, 2011

Skeffington - Billesdon - Tilton - Skeffington

Monday 13 June . With Barry and Eddie. 8 miles. 3 hours and a bit. Fine weather after unpromising start. Mud on boots weather after yesterday's rain. Humid. Undulating.

Wildlife - several hares. A yellowhammer.

This hare came towards us on the path, then scarpered. I took this with normal lens, and then enlarged, so I am amazed you can make out the hare.

One for pedants' corner. What's with the wedding obsession? Second notice I've seen in in four days.

What bushes are these? We didn't walk near enough to find out.

Another over-enlarged picture - you can just about make out the yellowhammer.

(to be completed)

For map and details click this link

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