Friday, September 3, 2010

Passing the Link-Love Around

There's a love virus meme being propagated through the genea-blogosphere and kinexxions has been tagged twice! Thanks go to both Thomas MacEntee at Destination: Austin Family and Sheri Fenley at The Educated Genealogist.

The rules associated with this particular tagging thingy are that the tagged blogger
  • can put the logo on his/her blog
  • must link to the person who gave the award
  • must nominate seven other blogs and link to them
  • must leave a comment on each of the nominated blogs
I've selected some of the "newer" blogs that I enjoy reading.
Listed in "reverse" alphabetical order ;-)
  • We Tree by Amy Coffin
  • Twig Talk by Sheri Bush
  • TJLGenes : Preserving Our Family History byTravis LeMaster
  • Taylorstales-Genealogy by Taylorstales
  • Photo-Sleuth by Brett Payne
  • Nana's Diggins by Suzy
  • From Axer to Ziegler by Linda "in Lancaster" Stienstra

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