Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Big Bend Day 1 - Hike 3 - Nature Trail Rio Grande Village

Our last hike of the day is actually a .75 mile loop at the Campground just across the way.It begins at a raised boardwalk across restored wetlands. There are ducks and frogs that make a ruckus and bats fly around at night to eat the insects.

We start the loop trail

and decide to venture further to the River. We spot some mexicans crossing the river on horseback and decide to high tail it back to the marked trail.

A high promontory provides panoramicviews wouth into Mexico. We see the Mexicans crossing the river back into Mexico towards the town of Boquillas.

From one side a beautiful view of the Santa Elana Mountains

The other a view of the Rio Grande River

While waiting for the sunset I see this dragon fly. After he took off he landed on my shutter finger on the camera!

The Sunset was worth the Hike!We should sleep well tonight!

Meanwhile, we keep on Trek'n

More Later,

Melissa and Gary

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