Sunday, November 16, 2008

Duddington - Tixover - Wakerley and back

Just over 6 miles. Straight through Duddington to Tixover and along the path (Rutland Round mainly). I turned back when it met the road from Wakerley. Very windy, but mostly sunny.

I didn't visit Tixover church on this occasion.

Duddington church

This also marks the boundary between Northants and Rutland - in the middle of the bridge over the Welland

Looking down at the river Welland, just after walking through Welland Spinney

The view of Wakerley church and the house that was once Wakerley station

Tixover Church

Sheep's wool caught on barbed wire

A family of swans paddling in the Welland

Duddington bridge and water mill house from the Jurassic Way footpath.

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