Sunday, September 21, 2008

Our dog, the comedian

Jasmine loves sticks. Chewing them, chasing them, playing keep-away.

One of her favorite things, while out walking, is to find a really long stick.

The beavers are her associates in this game. They cut down a lot of saplings and leave them in the path.

Once Jasmine finds the big stick, she nonchalantly picks it up to chew on a bit.

Then, after you walk past her, she'll run ahead with her big stick and hit you on the back of the legs with it.

The first several times this happened, we chalked it up to an accident. An exuberant young dog not watching where she's going, and not realizing the breadth of such a long stick.

At length, when it kept happening, it finally dawned on us - she's doing it on purpose.

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